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Hey guys my name is Avkez and here in my blogspot I am planing so create a fictional story that I have imagined for months now. In my fictional story I had a lot of inspirations from Harry Potter, Avengers, Halo(game), Doom(game) , DC and Marvel films, Avatar(animated series), and songs as well. 

In my story the characters here are inspired by my classmates but I changed the spelling but there characteristics as a character is very similar. I also want to mention that in this story there might be some sentences that might be wrong or misunderstood, if you don't agree with it feel free to comment your idea in the comment section.

In this world there are two planets that are habitable in a fictional solar system. the first habitable planet is called Harmony, it is a place where people are all born with magic. there magic have no limit and there technology is highly advance. The second habitable planet is called Garberuz, in this planet people are not born with magic and there technology is very far back(imagine there technology is back during the 1940's). But though they don't have magic they rely on there intelligence. These two worlds the magic and the non-magic are always fighting each other. For the magic wielders the reason they hate the non-magic is that they are very racist to them and they are very arrogant. For the Non-magic there reasons are that magic wielders are very dangerous because they have powers like gods and they are very advanced that they are scared if they just all die immediately by a super weapon. 

Before I will start my story I want to first list all the characters and there roles or characteristics that will be involved in the story.  

Magic Faction
In the magic world there are five elements of magic;fire, air, earth, water, and light. Air is the weakest but it is the one that greatly used in mage vehicles. Fire is the second weakest since mages need a source of fire to use fire magic. Earth is the third element and it is the second most used magic since it is the one the creates golems or non-living machines for mages. Water is the second strongest element since majority of the source of water is found in the environment and in our bodies. Water too can heal and can be used to travel faster in the sea. The last element is Light, it is the most powerful only wizards know how to properly use it. Its very powerful that it can destroy and create anything (note:the elements only work if there's a source)(note:magic wielders are only born with one type of magic).

Characters in the Magic Faction

Harmony Grace - She is a female and the protagonist of the first three books in the story. She is always the person who is looked upon the people because she is what they call lucky charm. Her magic is water

Levvi Ackerman - She is a female and one of the best friend of Harmony in the story. Her character is strong and she is always the one to go first to danger. Her magic is air.

Comman Kador - She is a female and also the best friend of Harmony. Her characteristics is very smart and shy. Her magic is earth.

Jacques Moulin - She is a female. She likes reading and together with her pet rock "Marley". Her magic is earth.

Hellene Miro - 

Engel Gates -

Max Hanz - 

Kerwal Van Soco - 

Irene Ewing - 

Jehova Braun - 

Kubar Keen Federov - 

Caroline Everton -

Vienn Hoff Lesley - 

Himmler Morlana - 

Sergei Wanderer - 

Ezrael Prayzla - 

Rossan Metze - 

Danielle Gruber - 

Zofia Mue Albiru-ni - 

Tara Roth - 

Darlyn Eberhart - 

Lehrer Mandela - 

Ronni Ragonski - 

Markus Blaze - 

Gottfried Rinkler - 

Zkend Kriege - 

Lidbow Kassmeyer - 


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