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HISTORY OF ROBOTS The  history of  robots  has its origins on the  ancient world . The modern concept began to be developed with the onset of the  Industrial Revolution , which allowed the use of complex mechanics, and the subsequent introduction of electricity. This made it possible to power machines with small compact motors. In the early 20th century, the notion of a  humanoid machine was developed. Today, one can envisage human-sized robots with the capacity for near-human thoughts and movement. The first uses of modern robots were in factories as  industrial robots  – simple fixed machines capable of manufacturing tasks which allowed production with less need for human assistance. Digitally controlled  industrial robots  and robots using  artificial intelligence  have been built since the 2000s. EARLY BEGINNINGS                           ...


HISTORY OF WORLD WAR 2 iNTRODUCTION The instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) set the stage for another international conflict–World War II–which broke out two decades later and would prove even more devastating. Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist (Nazi Party) rearmed the nation and signed strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, and World War II had begun. Over the next six years, the conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war. Among the estimated 45-60 million people killed were 6 million Jews murdered in Nazi concentration camps as part of Hitler’s diabolical “Final Solution,” now known as the Holocaust. LEADING UP TO WORLD WAR II The devastation of the Great War...


WHAT IS A HACKER ? A  security hacker  is someone who seeks to breach defenses and  exploit  weaknesses in a  computer system  or  network . Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, information gathering, [1] challenge, recreation, [2]  or to evaluate system weaknesses to assist in formulating defenses against potential hackers. The subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to as the computer underground. There is a longstanding  controversy   about the term's true meaning. In this controversy, the term   hacker   is reclaimed by   computer programmers   who argue that it refers simply to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks, [4]   and that   cracker   is the more appropriate term for those who break into computers, whether computer criminal ( black hats ) or computer security expert ( white hats ). [...